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The Vertical Flight Society Southwest Chapter presents
How the H-1 Upgrade Program Started
by Jim Harse, Former Bell Chief Engineer on H-1 Upgrade Program
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Bell retiree, Jim Harse, will present the origin of the H-1 Upgrade program which is traced to the 1960s UH-1, Huey. By 1968, that design led to the creation of the AH-1, Cobra, attack version. Jim follows the UH and AH aircraft through a progression that kept the utility and attack helicopters relevant to the current UH-1Y and Z models. With growing demand for safety and performance, Jim presents key attributes that allowed affordable upgrades over the decades, leading to the simultaneous upgrade for the Huey and Cobra. Based on 80+% commonality between the two platforms, common spare parts permitted a significantly smaller logistical footprint, making the aircraft the mainstay for the US Marine Corps.
Jim Harse has over 52 years of experience in the aviation and rotorcraft industry. Jim graduated from the University of Texas in 1971 and spent most of his career at Bell starting in a research analysis group focused on dynamic systems before transitioning to engineering. His experience spans many roles including staff engineer of preliminary design, Chief Engineer of Air Vehicle for the H-1 Upgrade program, Director of Mechanical Systems, and Technical Fellow guiding conceptual and predesign activities for commercial programs.
**Please note that this will be our annual membership drive dinner! Any member who brings a non-VFS guest will be entered into a raffle with prizes worth $200+. Any non-members that opt to join our VFS family within two weeks of this event will also be entered into a separate raffle
Tickets available on Events page.
VFS Harse - FEB 2025